Thursday, November 5, 2009

Random Thoughts

1.  Tonight the new season of The Real Housewives of Orange County starts.  Why am I excited about this?  No, I'm not jealous of their materialistic lifestyles.  I like to actually watch to see what STUPID things they are going to do and say.  It is almost like the rest of the world doesn't exist or they think the world revolves around them.  Ok and yes sometimes I wish I had one of their awesome cars - or could afford to ride around in a limo everyday, all day.

2.  In one week I'm going to be a third grade teacher for about 13-14 weeks.  It is going to be awesome!  I can't wait to get back into the classroom and teach again.

3.  World Series is over which means so is baseball - for about 2-3 more months until pitchers and catchers report.  My life stays a little more sane until that time.  (Just kidding Rhode!)  Although, Rhode did come home today to tell me that Josh Fields and Chris Getz got traded - WTF!  Glad I didn't get that Fields t-shirt last year.  Maybe baseball ISN'T over...

4.  Monmouth College football is awesome!  Can't wait till they're in the playoffs so that I can go to a game!  Plus the Turkey Bowl is this weekend (Monmouth vs. Knox) and based on the track record so far (Knox 0-9 and Monmouth 9-0 for this season) IF we win it will be 10 years in a row.  It makes me think about freshman year, in my cousin's dorm room, taking shots of Wild Turkey before the game.  Oh those were the days....

5.  Christmas really isn't THAT far away.  Trying to get the shopping done when the sales happen BEFORE black Friday.  Now what to get for everyone...that is the part that I hate!

1 comment:

  1. My friend Kathy just posted random thoughts. Maybe I need to do that. I think so many random things throughout the day but I'm not sure I could remember them all...

    I think it's funny that you call Chris Rhode...does he call you the Swish? We still do...Nikki the Swish. :)

    Excited for the Bears game!!!! Only two more weeks, right? I think I have the day right...the 22nd?


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