Thursday, December 10, 2009


It has been a REALLY long time since I last posted.  I've been so cought up with school that it is taking over my life...well not really but it seems like that sometimes.  I'm not used to leaving work at 6 or 6:30 pm.

A bit more responsibility with this classroom that others that I've been in.  3 students that have IEP's - meaning students that need extra support.  It is a challenge but I love what I do and I wouldn't trade it for the world.  Every day is a new day which brings new challenges for me to over come.

A lot has gone on since November 5...I've gotten a job as a 3rd grade teacher (taking over a maternity leave), went to see Dane Cook (my anniversary gift) in Moline, got to go to my first Bears regular season game, and went to a Bulls game.

Dane Cook was awesome.  Hilarious as usual but his two opening acts were unbelievable.  The things that they were saying even had me that ok??  Then there were parents there with like their 12 and 13 year old kids.  A little to young to be going to that I think.

The Bears game was good - they lost - but it was still good.  Didn't get too cold until the last quarter or so when the wind started picking up.  Then I was really glad I had my blanket with me.  We went with our friends Chad and Jen.  We haven't seen them in a while so it was good to get together.  We started off dinner at Ed Debevics in Chicago and then headed to the game.  24 rows up on the 40 yard line isn't bad if they would serve more than beer, hot dogs, and hot chocolate.  Mix in a little soda or water here and there would be a good idea.  After making it up there I didn't move from my seat until we left.

Bulls game was good too.  We went with Justin and Mindi.  Of course I boo'd JOKE Noah.  Ever since we got that guy, I've just not be impressed with the way he presents himself.  To the point where I think he seriously looks like (and acts like ) he is better than everyone else.  Tough S#!t.  So I did take a picture of him...just so I could put one of those red circles with the lines through it on him.

What Chris pointed out to me at the Bulls game (yes they lost too), was that there has not been one sports game that I have been to this year where they have won.  The Sox lost ALL of the games that I attended this season, with one of them getting rained out.  The Bears lost.  The Bulls lost.  Also, Monmouth got into the playoffs for football and all season I was cheering for them inside and would seldom talk about it.  The day they play their playoff game I put on facebook, "Go Monmouth!" and they lose.  2009 is just not the year for me and sports.  I thought things were starting to look up last year when I went to one of the Sox playoff games and they won.  Guess not!

I do have pictures to post but not right now.  Got a new Sony Cybershot camera for an early Christmas gift and am still figuring out how to get everything working on it.  At this point there are 6 school days left and then I have 2 weeks off.  Amen!

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