Tuesday, October 13, 2009

18 days...

H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N...the greatest holiday till my birthday, is in 18 days!  That means I get to watch my husband transform into a ghoul for a night, making little kids pee in their pants.

Although I can't wait to post pictures from my dad's haunted house that he does in his garage, the pumpkins we will carve to go in front of the tombstones that transform our front yard into a graveyard, and among many others, here are some pictures from a house in Bolingbrook that Chris and I drove by over the weekend.  I mean my dad does a lot but this is a little overboard for me.  At least I would organize it a little more. 

This first one is of the front of the house.  The right side has some of those blow up, air circulated things on the side yard.  I couldn't get them in the picture from my view in the car.

This second picture is probably my second favorite because of the body parts hangng from the front and the sign by the driveway walking up to the front door.  Yes - I think it is AWESOME!

This picture is a little creepy to me.   I'm not fond of those zombie baby things that they have come out with this year.  What is up with that??  A little morbid for me.

This is my favorite picture and is currently the background on my cell phone till I can get one from my parents' house. I especially like the blood on the tent with the legs sticking out.  What a great idea!  And the head and foot that is on the rotisserie. I love this holiday!!

1 comment:

  1. That's crazy! I could never live in a house decorated like that! How does your mom do it? It would freak me out every time I came home in the dark...and even trying to go to bed knowing all that spooky stuff was out there.


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