Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tonight is the night...

I am a true romantic at heart.  After 5 seasons now, this being the 6th, Jim and Pam are FINALLY getting married on The Office tonight. 

This is such a big event that the show is running for a whole hour!  I have watched Jim struggle liking Pam for the first few seasons when she was engaged to (stupid) Roy.  Then when Pam broke off that long, 3 year engagement, Jim had already taken a job (his same one) at another branch.  That branch gets closed down, some of those people have to move back to Scranton and, unlucky for Pam, Jim already has a new girlfriend who he worked with and is moving back to the Scranton branch with him.  Now it is Pam's turn to see what it is like being on the side of the relationship that Jim was on all of those years at Scranton. 

Eventually Jim and his girlfriend break up - she realizes that Jim still has feelings for Pam - and the girlfriend moves on to branch manager in another branch.  The end of the season (4 I believe) has Jim asking Pam out to dinner - their first OFFICIAL date!  I can't even express my excitement!!

Last season we see that Jim had already bought the engagement ring a couple of weeks into them finally starting to date.  He knew he wanted to marry her all along - so sweet!  Then we go through most of the season with Pam taking classes in New York, only home on the weekends, and them leading the viewers to believe that this isn't going to work out until Jim pops the question on a surprise visit to Pam at a gas station.  (I know...gas station?  Well hey I got engaged in Target so I don't think it is so weird!) 

We also see at the end of last season that everyone is at a company picnic and competing during volleyball where Pam gets hurt - twists her ankle I think.  Jim takes her to the hospital where we, through visual cues and facial expressions, figure out that Pam is infact pregnant.  YAY!!  Now we know the wedding has to come up soon.

Well tonight is the night...the big Pam and Jim wedding.  I am so excited!!!!  The previews have already made me teary-eyed so I can pretty much guarantee that I will cry tonight.  But it is for a good cause because my emotions have been pushed and pulled with this story line.

BEST PART - My husband can finally STOP saying (after every re-run), "Pam and Jim should just be together."  Well after tonight it is official!!!

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