Friday, October 23, 2009


So 8 days till Halloween (yesss!!!) and I'm intrigued by mystery lately.  This conspiracy of Denver International Airport has caught my attention.  Why does an airport (that is not as busy as O'Hare) have so much more fuel than other busier airports?

DIA is the 10th busiest airport reported in 2008.  From what I have heard from my husband (and I will admit at the time I was not so interested) there is a whole underground world of DIA that no one is allowed to visit.  Apparently it goes 6 stories into the ground under the airport.  Contractors are said to have been laid off so that this secret city could be built yet those who built it did not question it.

Some people think that this underground city was constructed to act as a "Noah's Ark" type of residency.  Its capacity is said to hold 5 million people in the event the status of the Earth were to change.  So how do I get on this list??  Apparently I have to have a TON of money and some influence.  Guaranteed people like Bill Gates know about this.

So what does DIA have to do with 2012?  Well you may be among the people, like me, who do not believe that the world is going to end in 2012.  I do not think that the oceans are going to devour the land or things are going to start on fire.  I do not believe in any chance of an Armageddon.  I believe that we are all going to be stuck here on Earth on that December day in 2012 trying to still figure out why that 6 story undergound bunker was built. What will the conspiracy be then?

The underground structure is not the only thing that makes people wonder about 2012 but the murals in DIA apparently tell a story of what is to come.  First off, what is with the swastika? And I don't know about you but I don't need to see a picture of fire while I'm getting ready to fly somewhere.

That just creeps me out.  So if the 5th sun is supposed to go out in December 2012 then why do scientists say that there will be a sun in the sky for billions of years before it actually burns out?  Maybe some aliens are going to come and blow up the sun, we'll all flee to DIA and demand to be let in the bunker.  I picture the Earth looking like New York in I Am Legend only it will always be dark with hopefully no zombies.  I guess we won't know until it happens or doesn't happen.

I just there a Gap or an Old Navy in this underground bunker?  What about Portillos or Avanti's?  Please tell me there is a Giordanos or Lou's down there too.


  1. We should look in to becoming part of the free masons. They have all of these secrets.

  2. What the heck? What is all of this about? Weird. In a way I'm glad I had no idea about it because it just seems like nonsense. Hmm...have you ever read or hard of City of Ember? It's a kids' book but it's an interesting story about something kind of like's a series.

  3. I have read it. Very good books!! Don't know about becoming part of the free masons though. I'd want to share the secrets. Lol

  4. What would the US Government do if we had a catostrophic event? Let's say there were a nuclear war, where are we putting the president and the most important people in the world? We have to have a place. They hopefully have a plan. Would they tell us? NO.

    This would be the spot for the New World Organization. Everything would be in place for them to survive for a long period of time before they could come back to the surface of the planet.

    DIA - Believe!


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