Monday, October 5, 2009

Tool Academy

Going to be honest - I just don't get it.  I don't get why girls put themselves through the torture.  I am convinced that they are tools themselves for staying with those "boys".

So if you've never watched, there isn't much to it.  You could start watching now and totally get what has been going on.  There are 12 couples that start out.  The women have somehow gotten their idiotic boyfriends on this show (I know that it was staged just not how).  Each week the guys have a different mission like trust, maturity, fidelity, etc.  They go through therapy sessions with their girlfriends and a shrink who is very odd.  At the end of the show one of the tools is pronounced "A Tool" and has to leave the show.  Then he goes to meet the girlfriend outside and she decides their fate - stay together or break up with the tool boyfriend.

They all have wacky names too:  Giant Tool, Dancin' Tool, Guy Liner Tool (yup he wears eyeliner), Tat-Tool, Special Tool, Hilbilly Tool, S*** Talkin Tool....I think you get the drift.  If you saw what these guys looked like I think it would better explain just how much of a tool each one of them is. 

I watch the show for the humility of it.  It gives us something to watch inbetween How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory.  My describing the show does not do it justice - infact I don't know if anything could do it justice at all.  All the show does is point out the flaws that men (these particular men) have and how there really are dumb girls that date these tools.  The more that I keep watching I keep wondering WHY anyone would do this....even the girls.  Isn't it humiliating enough to just be dating a tool let alone point it out to the whole world??

Spin for next is double elimination so watch out!!  OH and the kicker for tonight's episode...they put up this website....  You've got to be kidding me!!

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