Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reduced Sugar = YUCK!

So I am trying to be good about the whole sugar intake and all of that.  I really need to cut out bread but that is for another time.  Today I tried making these yellow cupcaks with chocolate frosting.  Everything has half the sugar than normal.  Let me tell you that at first it is like everything I wanted.  I LOVE yellow cake with chocolate frosting.  Then about a minute after I eat it, the aftertaste is just HORRIBLE.  I would rather go without the sugar than have this horrible taste in my mouth.  So today I'm going to start going sugar free and see how long this lasts.  I've given up sugar in my soda and started drinking like diet 7up and diet Dr. Pepper (yummy!) and I can't tell a difference.  Next thing to give up...bread.  That is going to be hard! Maybe I'll start by limiting myself to only so much per week.  It is hard when I love pasta and all that too.  I'm going to have to find some alternatives.


  1. Do you drink smoothies? We made the all summer. Fat free vanilla yogurt, frozen fruit (no sugar added), V8 fruit juice - light. I'm not sure that's enough no sugar for you but they are soooo yummy!

  2. We do drink smoothies. I actually buy frozen fruit or fresh fruit and blend with some kind of fruit juice (like guava pineapple - YUM!) If we don't use frozen fruit we add a little bit of ice too. Chris likes them with yogurt but the problem for me is that there is something in yogurt that I'm allergic to so I get really sick if I have too much of it. I really need to get back into that mode. Those are the perfect amout of natural sugar and are SOOO good. I should try it with the V8 fruit juice. I never thought of that!


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