Sunday, September 13, 2009

So Proud...

So proud of myself that is.  I had woken up this morning around 6:15 and told myself that it was waaayyy too early.  Go back to sleep.  So I did till around 8:30 when I realized that neither Chris nor I had gotten the Sunday paper yet.  We have had problems in the past where we've had our Sunday paper stolen or just not delivered.  We didn't know which one so we actually set the alarm one Sunday morning for 5:00 and sat in the sports room to hear when/if the paper was being delivered and who could possibly be taking it.  Once it hit 6:15 Chris was ready to go back to bed so he ended up just going out to get it and we fell back asleep.  So ever since then one of us usually wakes up, sees what time it is, and rushes out to get the paper before it is stolen.  We know it comes with the territory of living in an apartment.

This morning, after getting the paper, I got right to work cleaning.  The floors in the kitchen and bathrooms really, and I mean REALLY, needed to be cleaned.  After making rice krispie treats last night for today's Bears festivities, I started wiping up the floor and got grossed out.  When I have a rug down it doesn't show a lot of dirt or mess but when I wiped the floor, disgusting.  Being that I didn't want to spend 3-4 hours on this whole cleaning process I got started right away - mop, bucket, Murphy's Oil and all.  Chris woke up about 10 minutes later and started helping.  I'm so glad that we got this cleaning thing knocked out in like an hour and a half.  I can't imagine what it is going to be like in a house.  I know more than an hour and a half.  We'll cross that bridge when we get to it though.

Side note:  I made some AWESOME rice krispie treats last night.  2 different batches:  The first one is half blue half orange for the Bears game today.  The other is peanut butter with milk chocolate drizzled on top.  Those are Chris's favorite.  When I do those though I spread a little bit of peanut butter back on top which keeps the krispie treats a bit more moist.  For whatever reason when I make these the peanut butter and marshmallow get hard more quickly than when I make them regular.  They are delicious though and I know Chris is glad that I made them.

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